Saturday, April 7, 2012


Alkaflask Alkaline Water Maker is now available at SCAPE Shopping Centre #02-16 Toy Outpost(next to The Cocca Tree). My locker number is 57A,The Highest level, 2 Orchard Link S(237978) next to Cathy Cineleisure,near to H and M.Open from 12pm onwards daily.For Map click HERE(SCAPE is hightlight in orange colour)

To SCAPE Shopping Centre from Orchard MRT

Exit D from Orchard MRT,walk towards the direction of Isetan and Ngee Ann City all the way until you see DBS ATM Teller Machine.Take the upwards elevator and continue walking straight all the way to the back of Ngee Ann City until you see Mandarin Orchard Hotel.SCAPE is directly behind Mandarin Orchard Hotel.

To SCAPE Shopping Centre from Somerset MRT

Exit B from Somerset MRT,take the upwards elevator and continue walking straight until you exit the shopping centre.Turn to your left and keep walking until you see H and M. SCAPE is next to Cineleisure.

Alternatively you can collect from Blk 216 Petir Road S(670216)Bukit Panjang Map click

If you are getting 2 or more sets of Alkaflask (156 dollars and above),Pls contact me at Hp9852 4781 to arrange collection of Alkaflask at your nearest MRT for your convenience!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Alkaline Water Maker

Change your drinking water,change your life!
AlkaFlask can perform the same function as shown in the video above.AlkaFlask is back up by Lab report from Singapore.The container above cost $59.99 USD while 1 set of AlkaFlask cost only $78 SGD and The filter above can only last 1 year while AlkaFlask can last a minimum of 5 years.

AlkaFlask is important to you and your family as it can bring good health to you and your family and reduce your medical cost to the minimum.Alkaline water (ion water or hydrogen rich water) produce by this filter is very benefical for health! Both items are make of stainless steel!

Healing With Alkaline Water And Colon Cleanse

AlkaFlask Portable Alkaline Water Maker

AlkaFlask `s height 18.3cm,diameter 6cm,volume 380ml

Natural Mineral water
Contains Mineral (Fe,Mg,K,Ca,Na,OH-,H+)
Product of Taiwan
1 set of AlkaFlask consists of 1 flask with 1 built in nano core at bottom and 1 more nano core on top plus 2 more nano core.
1 set of AlkaFlask can be used by 4 persons.The extra nano cores can be put into any container eg.cup,jug,water bottles and family drinking water.
At a price of $78 for 4 nano cores.This is a price not to be missed.
AlkaFlask is a portable alkaline water maker that converts regular water into alkaline and ionized water that anyone can drink anywhere, anytime.

The AlkaFlask uses 13 types of minerals in its filter including Tourmaline stone, Zeolite,Far infrared stone,Calcium ion pellet,Magnesium,Negative potential pellet and Maifanitum stone.

These have been scientifically combined to give the optimal effect to your drinking water.

Tourmaline Stone
This stone is also known as Electronic stone and comes in different colors and this stone is responsible for generating negative Ions after interacting with water and it will electrolyse the water and it will ionize the water molecules due to negative Ions effect thus reducing the water clusters.
Zeolite Stone
This stone is usually found in the areas where volcanic rocks and ash reacts with alkaline ground water. This mineral is negatively charged and we also call them micro sponges as they easily absorb free radicals and viral particles. Thus they act as a very unique antioxidant. Zeolite also traps and nullfiies nitrosamines in the digestive tract to avoid any type II diabetes. Due to it's negative charge, it naturally attracts heavy toxins like heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and other positively charged toxins and carry them safely and harmlessly out of the body through normal digestion

Maifanshi Stone
This stone is usually found in valley streams and is commonly used as a general health medicine in asia and used for bath. It helps absorbing toxins and supply many trace minerals. It helps cleaning and ionizing the water

Muyu Jade Stone
This is a precious stone found in China in the marine deposits. This stones consist of 26 types of minerals. On soaking this stone in water for few hours, the water will reach standards of high quality mineral water. Nutritionists believe that Muyu stone is ideal high grade material for manufacturing of drinking sets due to it's combination of 26 minerals and great health benefits.
Nano Silver Powder
Nano Silver powder has a powerful impact on many pathogenic micro-oganisms such as neisseria, chlamydia and coliform etc and it helps promoting repair of damaged epithelial cells and acts as a great anti-bacterial agent when exposed to water thus improving water quality.
We all know, how important clay is for human beings. Many variations of clay such as bentonite, montomorillonite and pascalite etc being used from centuries. Clay is a natural absorbent and gentle on our body system and it treats various skin problems and also neutralize poisons in the intestinal tract. It also eliminates food allergies. In fact clay can cure any kind of digestive problem that we may have. Clay also absorbs the radiation that we may be exposed to and treats open wounds.
Health benefits of Alkaline Water
Will improve the nutrient apsorption, metabolism and immunity function
  • It will act as anti-oxidant
  • To enhance blood circulation
  • To destroy viruses and bacteria
  • To enhance the cellular nutrition and detoxification
  • Neutralize the acidic toxin in the bowels and eliminate the dysporia
    • Neutralizes our body's acidic substances and keep balance
    • To retard the ageing process
    • The filter will release mineral elements such as Ca, Mg, K, Ca which are benefitial for our health
    • To focus and concentrate better.
    • To reduce inflammation
Benefits of AlkaFlask Alkaline water
Helps filter your water of chlorine and other contaminants
Help improve your systemic acid/alkaline balance
Provide you with an abundance of Negative Ions
Smaller Molecular Water Cluster Size to help increase your hydration
Has a low negative ORP - providing you with powerful antioxidant potential
Provides Far Infared Ray ionization
Supplies Active Hydrogen

AlkaFlask can release Far Infrared Ray and Negative Ion causing the syntony of water molecules to release mineral elements (such as Ca, Mg, K and Na), and changing the common purified water into Alkaline Water.

AlkaFlask Alkaline Water is made up of macromolecules group, with negative ion potential & of alkalescency. It has strong penetrability and solubility. It can eliminate excrescent free radical, detoxicate alcohol & tobacco, and improve the nutrient absorption, metabolism and immunity.

If you drink Alkaline Water for long term, it can resist oxidation, delay senility, prevent and dissolve calculus in your body, eliminate dyscoria, reduce high blood pressure and improve gastritis.

Alkaline water molecules help to increase our body metabolism,thus help to increase body cells absorption and cleansing.This helps to maintain a better skin complexion.

Alkaline water can effectively enrich mirco element (especially zinc ion),zinc ions play a vital role in restraining bacteria,so as to keep us healthy.Alkaline water shows Negative ORP value.It can remove free radical and keep us from aging.Tap water and purified water show positive ORP value.Simply pour drinking water into AlkaFlask and let stand for 10 minutes and Alkaline Water is ready for your consumption.

The AlkaFlask is portable and convenient, making it a perfect for travelling!

Note: According to Singapore Ministry of Health, Cholesterol has been identified as perhaps the most important risk factor for a heart attack. One in two Singaporeans has a cholesterol level above the accepted recommended level. The Singaporean has a higher cholesterol level than his American or Japanese counterparts. ¨C from The Straits Times 9/2/1989

By drinking alkaline water for a period of 2 to 3 months, the blood pressure should slowly drop, because the alkaline water is a good solvent which dissolves the cholesterol in the blood vessels.

Lab report! Please click on the chart twice to view it in full screen.Tap water become Alkaine Water(ph 9.0) after soaking in alkaline filter for 10 minutes. Please click twice on the lab report below to enlarge it!

Alkaline Water Pitcher
$88 per pitcher/replacement filter $48

Contain Active Hydrogen
Alkaline Balance(PH Balance)
Negative Ions
Low ORP(Anti-Oxidant)
Smaller water molecules for better absorption
Remove Chlorine
Suitable for hot water
No need to boil your drinking water.Just fill up with water from tap

Available in white and navy blue
Capacity 3.5 litre
lifespan 2500-3000litres(2-3 years depending on usage)
PH 7.8-10
The Alkaline Core of the Pitcher can be taken out and soak in hot water for 10 minutes before use.

The Alkaline Water Pitcher provide drinking water without the need to boil.Antioxidant Alkaline Water enhance taste of tea,coffee,soup and other beverages.
Antioxidant Alkaline ion water flushes toxins,disarms free radicals and restores alkalinity in your body.Alkaline water pitcher increases ph level of tap water to between 7.8 to 10.
Antioxidant Alkaline Water can restore proper alkaline ph in the body within weeks.
Antioxidant Alkaline Water reduces heavy metals, such as lead,copper,and zinc,as well as chlorine,reduce water hardness,organic pollution and pesticides.

I would recommend that all users of Alkaline Water Maker or Alkaline Water Pitcher to fix a Eplus Water Purifier ($40 Per set) to filter their tap water of any contaminants before filling up their Alkaline Water Maker or Alkaline Water Pitcher.No boiling is needed.You can drink straight from the water filter.

E-Plus Hi Tech Ceramic Cartridge effectively removes Rusts,Worms,Algae,Parasites,Diet,Dusts,Giardia,Contaminants,Residual chlorine,Disinfection by-products,Heavy metal ions,Organic pollutants,Unpleasant tastes and Cryptosporidium etc.Click HERE for more information.

Alkaline Water Stick 13cm $38

Alkaline Water is a strong anti-oxidant which removes free radicals, enhance immunity and slow down aging.

Alkaline Water Stick change Acidic water into Alkaline Mineral Water, rich in active Hydrogen.

Easy to use - Place the Alkaline Water Stick into water bottle fill with water and after 5-10 minutes you have alkaline mineral water.

Alkaline water contains lots of active hydrogen which eliminate oxygen free radicals causing all kinds of diseases.

Alkaline Ionized Water improves digestive and circulatory system and brain activity.

Ingredients of the Alkaline Water Stick
Ceramic (Tourmaline Balls) /Alkali Balls : tourmaline, quartz, zeolite, calcium, magnesium, germanium, coral, sand powder, activated coconut carbon.

Some of the Benefits of using the Alkaline Water Stick
* Negative Ions * Active Hydrogen
* Far Infrared Ray * Energy Balance
* Small Molecules * Alkaline Balance
* Trace minerals * Low ORP
•Provides Antioxidant
• Free Radical Scavenger
• Improves digestion
• Helps to reverse the aging process at a biological level
• Helps to Alkalize the body
•Portable & Convenient (Put it in your water bottle and take it wherever you go.)
•Travel with the water stick and you can have alkaline ionized water anytime,anywhere.
•Durable & Economical
•Simple to Use (Put the water stick in a water bottle fill with water.)
•No electricity needed!

By drinking 1.5 litres or more of alkaline water daily. The diuretic and fat decomposing actions of alkaline water will eliminate extra fats from the body, stimulates intestinal functions, burns off extra calories.The re structured water molecules are small enough to enter fat cells and break them down helping one to slim down effectively without side effects.

It is recommended that you place Alkaline Water Stick under hot sun for a minimum of 1 hour or more every 6 months or less.

Good news I received a testimonial from a customer on 6-july-2011.She had serious gastric pain for many years.After drinking alkaline water for 4 months,her gastric pain is 80% cure and she doesn`t suffer gastric pain anymore.

This testimonal show that acidity is the causes of gastric pain and whole lot of other diseases eg.cancer,diabetes etc.

My Contact Info
HP +65 98524781 sms or call me Today!

Alkaline Water Research 1

Acidity-the root of a hundred ills:
According to a study on the state of health among city-dwellers,more than 80% of the sampled population had body fluids with a consistently low PH value that causes the body to be in an unhealthy acidic state. When the human body`s blood is acidic,cellular functions will weaken,metabolism will slow,and some organs may not function optimally.

American medical scientist and Nobel Prize winner,Professor Lei Weng believe that the acidic physique is the root of a myriad of illnesses.When acidic substances accumulate in the body,we tired easily,and the resulting toxin build-up will trigger the onset of osteopathy,diabetes,cardio-and cerebra-vascular diseases,even cancer.

The difference between "dead" and "live" water lies in the strength of its physiological properties.While purified water,portable water address concerns with 'thirst-quenching' and 'safety',Alkaline Water fulfils a more profound purpose.Having fulfilled the basic functions of 'thirst-quenching','safety',Alkaline Water delivers on the 'health benefits' aspect,which is measured by its physiological properties (i.e. its activeness)

Alkaline Water is effective for constipation,uric acid,gastric pain,excessive gastric acid,high blood pressure,high cholesterol,diabetes, arthritis,prostate problem,reduce fat,increase metabolism,increase vitality and promote youth!

Alkaline Water Research 2

The Cure of All Disease


        Acidic Blood                                             Slightly Alkaline Blood
Heart have to work harder                             Heart works efficiently 
Suffer from high blood pressure                     Normal blood pressure
Respiratory system is difficult                        Respiratory system is smooth
Blood vessels  is constricted                           Blood vessels is expanded
Bone is weak                                                    Bone is healthy
Poor vitality,the person is tired                       Vitality,the person is energetic

3 Amazing Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water

Ionized Alkaline Water Filter: Water Part 1

Ionized Alkaline Water Filter: Water Part II

The Importance of Drinking Alkaline Water

Dr. Robert O. Young says, "You dont get cancer, you DO cancer. When not eliminated, acids will reside in the tissue. Women are at 100% risk for breast cancer on the current lifestyles & diets that most are living, because acids are deposited in the fatty breast tissue. If you are eating dairy, stop. It is an acid. Lactic acid is a major contributor to both men and women for reproductive cancers. Cancer is not a noun, its an adjective. Cancer is an expression of acidity!"

The Truth About Bottled Water

The craze of bottled water is a national obsession but tap water is usually safer for you, and often better tasting too. Using a hidden camera, Penn & Teller will take a look at the obsession.

Body ph and Health

As a Medical Doctor for DECADES, Dr. Hagglund advises that many of us are SUFFERING from a lack of water! With a body that SHOULD BE OVER 70% water, many of us are dehydrated and/or filled with ACIDIC WATER! WE NEED WATER and we need GOOD WATER!


The pH Miracle for Weight Loss

Dr Robert Young, author of Alkalize or Die

Miracle Water

List of Alkaline and Acidic Water

Most of the beverages we drink are acidic!